60+ Arrests & Roku Cuts

Heyo, reader! Did you know? Before squishing and squashing its way into our hearts, Play-Doh had a "clean" past – it was a wallpaper cleaner! 🖼️✨ Talk about a major career switch, right? 😉

2️⃣ This Morning’s Two Reports:

  • 📢 61 Face Racketeering Charges

  • 📈 Roku Cuts Jobs But Stocks Pop

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✂️ Market Snippet

  • DOW: 🔽 0.57% (34,443.19)

  • S&P 500: 🔽 0.70% (4,465.48)

  • NASDAQ: 🔽 1.06% (13,872.47)

  • BTC: 🔽 0.10% (25,757.60)

  • ETH: 🔽 0.06% (1,632.87)

*Stock numbers as of market close, cryptocurrency as of 7:55pm EST yesterday.

📢 61 Face Racketeering Charges

In Georgia, there's some big buzz around the "Stop Cop City" movement. A whopping 61 people have been indicted over it! They're not fans of a proposed training center for police in Atlanta, dubbed “Cop City.” Some are worried it'll turn the police all Rambo-like and mess up the environment, especially in a majority-Black area.🌳🚔

If "Stop Cop City" was a baseball game, it seems like Georgia's Attorney General is trying for a home run with all these charges. Batter up! ⚾😜

📈 Roku Cuts Jobs But Stocks Pop

Roku, the streaming giant, just announced they're going to let off 10% of their workforce - that’s about 300 people. Why? They’re trying to save some moolah. This comes right after their stock prices took a joyride, surging over 10%! 🚀 And if you're keeping score, this is Roku's third layoff round in less than a year. Ouch!

Roku is also a tad worried about some strikes in the entertainment world affecting their content. Guess it’s like trying to stream your fave show and constantly getting the buffer wheel. Spin, baby, spin! 😂

⚡ 10 Headlines: BulletList Roundup

  1. 🚀 Ukraine market bombing; over a dozen casualties

  2. 🎖️ Vietnam vet honored for daring copter rescue

  3. ✈️ US Air Force flexes with long-range missile test

  4. 🚫 US warns North Korea over Russian arms deal

  5. 🌪️ Brazil cyclone wreaks havoc; 21 dead

  6. 🦈 Sailors saved post-shark attack near Australia

  7. ⚖️ Trump liable in Carroll case

  8. 🔒 Navarro faces trial for Congress contempt

  9. 🦖 Unique bird-like dino unearthed in China

  10. 🚺 Mexico's Supreme Court legalizes abortion nationwide

Thanks a gazillion for reading and being the cherry on our news sundae! 🍒📰

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