Warren Buffet & Israel Silences

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📊 Market Snapshot | Extended Edition

Stocks (Year-to-date)

  • DOW: 🔼 2.55% (38,675.68)

  • S&P 500: 🔼 8.12% (5,127.79)

  • NASDAQ: 🔼 9.42% (16,156.33)

Cryptocurrency (Year-to-date)

  • BTC: 🔼 45.12% (64,150.60)

  • ETH: 🔼 33.60% (3,144.06)

Real Estate Mortgage Rates

  • 15-year: 6.75% -0.07

  • 30-year: 7.28% -0.09

📎 Market Clips

  • China faces a 'counterfeit gold' issue as residents fall victim to bogus jewelry scams

  • Dollar falls as job growth in April fail to live up to expectations

*Stock numbers as of market close Friday, cryptocurrency as of 9:35pm EST yesterday. Real estate rates as of yesterday via Mortgage News Daily. Source for Market Clips.

First Report

📈 Buffett Endorses Successor

Warren Buffett, at the annual Berkshire Hathaway gathering in Omaha, outlined his succession plans, confidently passing the torch to Greg Abel while celebrating the legacy of Charlie Munger. Buffett, at 93, showcased his trust in Abel's capability to manage the conglomerate's investments, noting Abel's profound understanding of business and capital allocation. The meeting also served as a tribute to Munger, Buffett's late business partner, underscoring his pivotal role in shaping Berkshire's success over decades. 🤝💵

TL;DR ⏳: Buffett prepares for the future, endorsing Greg Abel as his successor and paying homage to the visionary Charlie Munger.

Second Report

📡 Israel Shuts Down Al Jazeera

Israel has officially closed the operations of Al Jazeera within its borders, citing security risks and accusing the network of incitement. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu confirmed the closure, describing the Qatar-based network as a channel of incitement. The Israeli government acted swiftly, seizing broadcasting equipment, removing the channel from cable and satellite services, and blocking its websites. The closure follows recent legislation granting the government authority to shut down foreign media networks deemed a national security threat. 🇮🇱🚧

TL;DR ⏳: In a decisive move, Israel has ceased Al Jazeera's operations, arguing the network poses a security threat and incites against its military.

⚡ Quick Hits

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  5. 🚨 USC protest site dismantled by police

  6. 💰 Donald Trump's $9,000 fine for violating gag order paid

  7. 🚀 Hamas rocket attack from Rafah kills three soldiers, injures 11 in Israel

  8. 🌊 Southern Brazil floods claim 75 lives, 103 missing over a week

  9. 🎬 Paramount enters buyout discussions with Sony, Apollo

  10. 🥜 Planters nuts recall initiated due to deadly contamination risk


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