Chinese Missiles & FCC Rule

Heyo, reader! We hope you’re having a good Friday morning!

Fun Fact: Did you know? A standard golf ball comes with 336 tiny dimples! 🏌️‍♂️ And guess what? If you ever lose it in super salty water, it'll just float! 🌊⛳ So, next time you're golfing by the sea, don't sweat the water hazards! 😂🌟

Tricky Trivia: What is the name of the world's largest active volcano?

(Tap on the answer)

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2️⃣ This Morning’s Two Reports:

  • 🌏 China's Missile Power-Up

  • 🔄 Internet’s New Neutrality

✂️ Market Snippet

  • DOW: 🔽 0.75% (33,414.17)

  • S&P 500: 🔽 0.85% (4,278.00)

  • NASDAQ: 🔽 0.96% (13,186.18)

  • BTC: 🔼 1.82% (29,237.20)

  • ETH: 🔼 0.95% (1,582.25)

*Stock numbers as of market close, cryptocurrency as of 12:35pm EST yesterday.

🌏 China's Missile Power-Up

China's expanding its military game! According to a fresh Pentagon report, China's got a stash of over 500 nuclear warheads—more than previous guesses. 📈 What's more, they're potentially brewing long-distance missiles that could touch the U.S. doorstep. Alongside, China has been busy building three brand new spots for these giant missiles. And while they’re saying, "It's all peaceful!" the U.S. is raising an eyebrow and hoping for a clearer chat from their side. 🌐🤝

TL;DR ⏳: China's amping up their missile game, and the U.S. wishes they'd spill the beans more openly. 🤷

🔄 Internet’s New Neutrality

The FCC (that's the Federal Communications Commission) just gave a thumbs up to move on with a plan for net neutrality rules. 📜 What’s that? Basically, they're trying to make the internet fair and open for everyone, stopping companies from slowing down some websites or making others faster. A few years ago, under Obama, the rules were put in place. Then, during Trump's time, they were tossed out. And now? The FCC’s trying to bring them back! The twist? Some folks are saying, “We’ve been fine without it,” while others believe we need it for a safe and free internet. 🤷🚀

TL;DR ⏳: The FCC's playing seesaw with net neutrality rules, aiming for an open internet for all. 🎢

⚡ BulletList Roundup (10 Headlines)

  1. 🔄 Jordan changes mind and advocates for third speaker election

  2. 🏛 Trump's lawyer Sidney Powell admits guilt in Georgia election case

  3. 🚢 US Navy vessel in Red Sea intercepts missiles aimed possibly at Israel, reports Pentagon

  4. 🚫 Laphonza Butler decides against running for Feinstein’s 2024 Senate spot

  5. 🌍 State Department recommends global vigilance for Americans abroad amid Israel-Hamas conflict

  6. 📻 Russian authorities arrest radio reporter labeling them a 'foreign agent'

  7. 👋 Costco's chief executive set to depart after leading for 11 years

  8. 🚗 Musk admits Tesla made mistakes with the Cybertruck

  9. 💳 CFPB aims to empower consumers over their financial information

  10. 🍏 Jon Stewart’s ‘The Problem’ stalls at Apple due to artistic disagreements

Tricky Trivia answer: Mauna Loa

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